Dates of Forthcoming

Meetings in 2024


The next scheduled meeting dates of the Friends of Netherton Park are as follows:


These meetings start at 7:00pm.

They take place in the

Netherton Park Activity Centre (Hub Building) off Greaves Road


Tuesday 14th May

Tuesday 11th June

Tuesday 9th July

Tuesday 13th August

Tuesday 10th September

Tuesday 8th October

Tuesday 12th November


Come along to one of our friendly meetings. Everyone is welcome to attend.

At our meetings we discuss what is going on, improvements that can be made to our lovely park,

get the council to prioritise work that needs doing and arrange events.


Please continue to check our Notice Board at the main entrance

on Northfield Road like us on Facebook or Twitter

( Facebook: /NethertonPark  Twitter: @NethertonPark )


Registered charity no. 1142081


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